Issue 1 (87)
World History in the System of Soviet Science, Culture and Education in 1917—1947
Volume: 11
Publication date: 19.03.2020
1000 RUB / 10.0 SU


This issue is devoted to the analysis of the development of the study of world history in Russia (USSR) of the pre-war period. The formation of new and the transformation of old institutes of scientific management (Narkompros), those of scientific research (Communist Academy), a number of research institutes and museums are analyzed. An important component of the issue make the articles that highlight the emergence of new basic concepts that shaped the research environment and influenced the direction of analytical work itself. One of the most important spheres of activity of the Soviet government in the field of study of history was the writing of new educational manuals for secondary and higher school. These aspects in the development of education in the pre-war USSR are also reflected in the pages of the issue. The study of world history is most vividly represented in the scientific biographies of the most prominent representatives of the scientific world. The issue covers the most important pages of scientific activity of a number of researchers who determined the development of research in the field of Ancient world, Middle ages, Oriental studies. The issue also covers problems of perception of world history in the form of artistic images and political ideological clichés. A hallmark of the issue is that virtually all articles are based on archival data not previously used in research.

Issue publications 1 (87)
Scientific Institutes in the 1917 — 1940s
World History: Formation of Basic Concepts
World History in Periodicals and Textbooks
World History in Symbols and Images