Baltic Studies at the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Round Table on the 25th Anniversary of Research and the Release of the 10th Collection of the Serial Publication “Russia and the Baltic States”
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Baltic Studies at the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Round Table on the 25th Anniversary of Research and the Release of the 10th Collection of the Serial Publication “Russia and the Baltic States”
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Nataliya Volodina 
Affiliation: Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The academic meeting was held on the occasion of 25 years of studies into the history of the Baltic states and peoples in the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and of the publication of the 10th issue of the series “Russia and Baltia”. The meeting was opened by the Scientific Director of IVI RAS, Academician A. O. Chubarian. The head of the Centre for the History of the Northern Europe and the Baltic States Dr. A. A. Komarov, the Centre's researchers Dr. E. L. Nazarova and Dr. Y. L. Mikhailova, as well as the researcher of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dr. I. A. Kukushkina made presentations on the reasons and main objectives of this research area. The speakers stressed that the need for a systematic study of the history of the Baltic countries and peoples arose in IVI RAS after the reestablishment of the independent Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania republics in 1991. The history of the Eastern Baltic region as a part of the Nordic space is studied in parallel with the history of Scandinavia and Finland. The main problems to be studied are related to the history of the formation of the modern Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian nations in the context of the imperial policy of the Russian state, the creation of the Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian states, their domestic and foreign policies, including their diplomatic relations with the Soviet Russia/USSR, the history of Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian diasporas in Russia and the post-Soviet space.

History of Northern Europe, History of the Baltic States and Peoples, the Institute of World History of Russian Academy of Sciences, the series “Russia and Baltia”
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1. Baltijskoe sosedstvo: Rossiya, Shvetsiya, strany Baltii na fone ehpokh i sobytij. XIX—XXI vv. / otv. red. A. A. Komarov, chleny redkollegii: T. N. Dzhakson, Yu. L. Mikhajlova, E. L. Nazarova, Kh. Karlbek (Shvetsiya). M.: URSS, LENAND, 2014; 2-e izd. 2018.

2. Baltiya v kontekste Severnogo prostranstva: ot rannego Srednevekov'ya do 1940 g. / otv. red. E. L. Nazarova, chl. redkol.: A. A. Komarov, Yu. L. Mikhajlova. M.: IVI RAN, 2009.

3. Intelligentsiya v mnogonatsional'noj imperii. Russkie, latyshi, nemtsy. XIX — nachalo XX vv. / nauch. ruk. proekta akad. A. O. Chubar'yan, G. Straube, chl. redkol.: A. V. Gavrilin (Riga), A. A. Komarov, Yu. L. Mikhajlova, E. L. Nazarova (otv. sekretar'). M.: IVI RAN, 2009.

4. Komarov A., Tokareva E. Orthodoxy and Catholicism in correspondence of Vatican envoys to Estonia (1928—1940) // ISTORIYA. 2016. Vol. 7. Issue 9 (53). URL: DOI: 10.18254/S0001653-7-1

5. Komarov A., Tokareva E. The Genesis of Estonia’s and Latvia’s Bilateral Relations with the Holy See and the Problem of National Identity-Building after World War I: 1918—1922 // ISTORIYA. 2019. V. 10. Issue 11 (85). URL: DOI: 10.18254/S207987840008074-0

6. Komarov A., Mikhailova Y. “We Think that Historical Studies Should Be Left to Historians”. On the Cooperation of Russian Historians with Colleagues from Finland and Lithuania // ISTORIYA. 2018. Vol. 9. Issue 10 (74). URL:

7. Komarov A. A., Tokareva E. S. «To, chto est' nekaya sklonnost' k unii, v ehtom net somneniya…». Doneseniya apostol'skogo delegata v Ehstonii Antonino Dzekkini. 1924—1929 gg. // Istoricheskij arkhiv. 2016. № 5. S. 114—129.

8. Komarov A. A., Tokareva E. S. Katolicheskaya tserkov' i nekotorye problemy formirovaniya natsional'nogo samosoznaniya naseleniya Ehstonii v mezhvoennyj period (po dokumentam arkhivov Vatikana) // Gosudarstvo, religiya, Tserkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2014. № 4. S. 136—159.

9. Mikhailova Y. Roundtable Discussion “Soviet-Lithuanian Peace Treaty of 1920” (Moscow, November 25, 2020) // ISTORIYA. 2020. Vol. 11. Issue 11 (97). URL: DOI: 10.18254/S207751800012896-4

10. Mikhailova Y. The Historical Memory of the War of 1812 among Latvians in the Middle of the 19th — Beginning of the 20th Century // ISTORIYA. 2020. Vol. 11. Issue 4 (90). URL: DOI: 10.18254/S207987840009099-7

11. Mikhajlova Yu. L. «My sami pozabotimsya o svoej nezavisimosti»: politika nejtraliteta i dogovor o nenapadenii mezhdu Germaniej i Latviej 7 iyunya 1939 g. na stranitsakh latvijskoj pressy // Peterburgskij istoricheskij zhurnal. 2020. № 3 (27). S. 146—163. DOI: 10.24411/2311-603X-2020-00059 ISSN 2311-603Kh

12. Mikhailova Y. “Not a Word about Politics, but What Agitation! What Propaganda!”: Soviet Cultural Diplomacy in Latvia in the Interwar Period // ISTORIYA. 2019. Vol. 10. Issue 11 (85). URL: DOI: 10.18254/S207987840008082-9

13. Mikhajlova Yu. L. Vizit prezidenta Akademii nauk Latvii akademika Oyarsa Sparitisa v Moskvu // Novaya i novejshaya istoriya. 2018. № 4. S. 248—249.

14. Mikhailova Y. To the 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia. The 4th Russian-Estonian Conference under the Project “Russia and the Baltic Region in the 18th — 20th Centuries. Relationship Problems in a Changing World” // ISTORIYA. 2018. Vol. 9. Issue 10 (74). URL:

15. Mikhajlova Yu. L. Perevorot 17 dekabrya 1926 g. v Litve v osveschenii latvijskoj pressy // Peterburgskij istoricheskij zhurnal. 2018. № 3. S. 152—166. DOI: 10.24411/2311-603X-2018-00054.

16. Mikhajlova Yu. L. Perevorot 17 dekabrya 1926 goda v Litve v besedakh sovetskikh i latvijskikh diplomatov i politikov: vzglyad iz Rigi // Novejshaya istoriya Rossii. 2018. T.8. № 3. S. 598—612.

17. Mikhailova Y. Military Coup of January 21, 1927 in Valmiera In the Reports of Soviet Diplomats // ISTORIYA. 2019. Vol. 10. Issue 7 (81). URL: DOI: 10.18254/S207987840006403-2

18. Mikhajlova Yu. L. Svyazi rossijskikh i ehstonskikh istorikov v ramkakh proekta «Rossiya i Pribaltijskij region v XVIII—XX vv. Problemy vzaimootnoshenij v menyayuschemsya mire» // Al'manakh severoevropejskikh i baltijskikh issledovanij. Petrozavodsk. 2018. Vyp. 3 [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL:

19. Mikhajlova Yu. L. Sovetsko-latvijskij dogovor 11 avgusta 1920 g.: zakonodatel'noe regulirovanie i praktika obmena bezhentsami i optatsii // Peterburgskij istoricheskij zhurnal. 2021. № 4 (32). S. 168—192. DOI: 10.51255/2311-603Kh_2021_4_168.

20. Mikhailova Y., Nazarova E. The Soviet-Latvian Peace Treaty on August 11, 1920: Negotiations, Public Opinion, Implementation Mechanisms. Publication of Documents from the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation // ISTORIYA. 2021. Vol. 12. Issue 7 (105). URL: DOI: 10.18254/S207987840016579-5

21. Nazarova E. For the welfare of Latvia, for the welfare of Russia: Krišjānis Valdemārs and Russian fleet // ISTORIYA. 2011. Vol. 2. Issue 5. URL:

22. Nazarova E. L. Iz istorii imperskoj yazykovoj politiki v Pribaltijskom krae. 60—70e gg. XIX v.// Al'manakh Severoevropejskikh i Baltijskikh issledovanij (Nordic and Baltic Studies Review). Petrozavodsk, 2017, dekabr', № 2 [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL:

23. Nazarova E. The Latvian Exodus in 1915—1916 and the National Intelligentsia // ISTORIYA. 2017. Vol. 8. Issue 4 (58). URL: DOI: 10.18254/S0001853-7-1

24. Nazarova E. L. Natsional'nyj vopros kak faktor raspada Rossijskoj imperii. Latviya i Ehstoniya na puti k nezavisimosti. 1914—1917 // Al'manakh Severoevropejskikh i Baltijskikh issledovanij (Nordic and Baltic Studies Review). Petrozavodsk, 2018. № 3 [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL:

25. Nazarova E. The Experience of the Russian Scholar for the Development of the Public Education in Lithuania in 1917—1926 // ISTORIYA. 2019. Vol. 10. Issue 7 (81). URL: DOI: 10.18254/S207987840006361-6

26. Rossiya i Baltiya. Vyp. 1: Narody i strany. Vtoraya polovina KhIKh — 30-e gg. KhKh v. / otv. red. akad. A. O. Chubar'yan, chl. redkol.: A. A. Komarov, M. L. Korobochkin, E. L. Nazarova (otv. sekretar'). M.: IVI RAN, 2000.

27. Rossiya i Baltiya. Vyp. 2: Ehpokha peremen. (1914—1924) / otv. red. akad. A. O. Chubar'yan, chl. redkol.: A. A. Komarov, M. L. Korobochkin, E. L. Nazarova (red.-sost.). M.: IVI RAN, 2002.

28. Rossiya i Baltiya. Vyp. 3: Ostzejskie gubernii i Severo-Zapadnoj kraj v politike reform Rossijskoj imperii. 2-ya polovina XVIII v. — KhKh v. / otv. red. akad. A. O. Chubar'yan, chl. redkol.: A. A. Komarov, Yu. L. Mikhajlova, E. L. Nazarova (red.-sost.). M.: IVI RAN, 2004.

29. Rossiya i Baltiya. Vyp. 4: Chelovek v istorii / otv. redaktor akad. A. O. Chubar'yan, chl. redkol.: K. Bryuggemann, A. A. Komarov, Yu. L. Mikhajlova, E. L. Nazarova (red.-sost.). M.: Nauka, 2006.

30. Rossiya i Baltiya. Vyp. 5: Vojny, revolyutsii i obschestvo / otv. red. akad. A. O. Chubar'yan, chl. redkol.: A. A. Komarov, Yu. L. Mikhajlova, K. Bryuggemman, E. L. Nazarova (red.-sost.). M.: Nauka, 2008.

31. Rossiya i Baltiya. Vyp. 6: Dialog istorikov raznykh stran i pokolenij / otv. red. akad. A. O. Chubar'yan, E. L. Nazarova (red. i sost.), chl. redkol.: A. A. Komarov, Yu. L. Mikhajlova, K. Bryuggemann. M.: Ves' Mir, 2011.

32. Rossiya i Baltiya. Vyp. 7: Istoricheskie daty i istoricheskaya pamyat' / otv. red. akad. A. O. Chubar'yan, red. i sost. E. L. Nazarova, chl. redkol.: A. A. Komarov, Yu. L. Mikhajlova, K. Bryuggemann (Tallin). M.: Nauka, 2015.

33. Rossiya i Baltiya. Vyp. 8: Novyj mir na razvalinakh imperii / otv. red. akad. A. O. Chubar'yan, red.-sost. E. L. Nazarova, chl. redkol.: A. A. Komarov, Yu. L. Mikhajlova, K. Bryuggemann, O. A. Zimarin. M.: Ves' Mir. 2017.

34. Rossiya i Baltiya. Vyp. 9: Istochnik i mif v istorii / otv. red. akad. A. O. Chubar'yan, red.-sost. E. L. Nazarova, chl. redkol.: A. A. Komarov, Yu. L. Mikhajlova, O. A. Zimarin. M.: Ves' Mir, 2020.

35. Rossiya i Baltiya. Vyp. 10: Diaspory narodov Baltii k vostoku ot ehtnicheskoj rodiny. XIX — nachalo XXI vv. / otv. red. akad. A. O. Chubar'yan, red.-sost. E. L. Nazarova, chl. redkol.: A. A. Komarov, Yu. L. Mikhajlova, O. A. Zimarin. M.: Ves' Mir, 2021.

36. Rossiya i Latviya v potoke istorii. 2-ya polovina XIX v. — 1-ya polovina KhKh v. / otv. red. E. L. Nazarova, chl. redkol.: A. V. Gavrilin, k.i.n. Komarov, Yu. L. Mikhajlova. M.: IVI RAN, 2015.

37. Rossiya i Pribaltijskij region. Problema vzaimootnoshenij v menyayuschemsya mire. XIX—XX vv. / nauch.-red. sovet: akad. A. O. Chubar'yan, M. Il'myarv, chl. redkol.: T. N. Dzhakson, A. A. Komarov, Yu. L. Mikhajlova, E. L. Nazarova. M.: URSS, LENAND, 2012.


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