A Student, a Master or a Scribe? Criteria for Determination and their Practical Application on the Material of the “Compilatio Prima” by Bernardo of Pavia in the Canon Law Manuscript Bamberg. Can. 19
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A Student, a Master or a Scribe? Criteria for Determination and their Practical Application on the Material of the “Compilatio Prima” by Bernardo of Pavia in the Canon Law Manuscript Bamberg. Can. 19
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Elena Kazbekova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The question of the criteria for determining those who left notes and glosses in the manuscripts of roman and canon law of the 12th—14th centuries, about distinguishing the marginal marks of students, teachers, legal scholars, their assistants or secretaries, scribes, university officials, is relevant both for historians and for paleographers. The article summarizes the criteria developed in historiography for their identification. Study of the features of the “Compilatio Prima” by Bernardo of Pavia in the manuscript Bamberg. Can. 19 raises the question of the need to study the glosses of the master Damasus Hungarus using the methods of paleography and codicology. The decretals “Super specula” (1219) and “Ecclesia Rothomagensis destituta pastore” (1222) in the manuscript Bamberg. Can. 19 made it possible to clarify its dating (after 1222 — the middle of the 30s years of the 13th century) and gave new data on the chronological boundaries of the period of teaching activity of Master Damasus Hungarus.

paleography, codicology, canon law, decretals, extravagantes, glosses, Compilatio Prima, Damasus Hungarus
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