Issue 5 (79)
The Great Russian Revolution of 1917 in the Regional Perspective
Volume: 10
Publication date: 15.07.2019
1000 RUB / 10.0 SU


In the contemporary conditions of changing the methodological approaches in historical researches, there are new opportunities for studying the history of the Russian Revolution taking multifactorial character of historical process into account. The centenary of the Revolution gave rise for many scientific events (conferences on different levels, seminars, exhibitions) that makes possible to undertake comparative and interdisciplinary studies of the topic, to unite Russian and foreign experience in studying the nature of the revolutionary process as a whole and its regional manifestations in particular.

The local approach that have united all the studies of the present issue allowed the authors to understand the mechanisms of interference of social-cultural, social-economic and political factors in the revolutionary process, interaction and mutual influence of different power structures, political organizations and society, the level of their influence on the choice and realization of vectors of the revolutionary process that showed themselves at the local level.

The issue contains the research papers are situated in “borderline” research field and cover the common problems in different and wide Empire territories (the materials from Tula, Kaluga, Vladimir, Moscow, Kazan’, Samara, Arkhangelsk and Tyumen governorates, Turkestan and the Crimea are presented): the mechanism of establishing the power institutions at the local level, interrelation of authorities and society (the most active groups of population in the revolutionary process: peasants, workers), the participation of local political organizations and their leaders and the self-government authorities in establishing the new governing institutions. Several papers correlate the policy of the governing institutions in the Center with their realization in the provinces studying the regional policy and the legislative process of local governments and power institutions.

The editors of the issue have not grouped the papers into sections consciously because the material presented in papers is not limited by the interest to the separated aspect that the authors have chosen for the headline and let us see the diversity of the revolutionary process in the borders of the declared theme of the issue.

Photo on the cover: “Freedom celebration”: soldiers of the Tula garrison on the parade april 7, 1917.

Issue publications 5 (79)
The Great Russian Revolution of 1917 in the Regional Perspective
Scholarly Life