Russia and the Vatican: 25 Years of Scientific Cooperation
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Russia and the Vatican: 25 Years of Scientific Cooperation
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Evgenia Tokareva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the current topic of scientific cooperation between the Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the scientific structures of the Vatican — the Pontifical Committee of Historical Sciences, the Pontifical Gregorian University, etc. Both the scientific and public importance of ongoing research, joint projects and conferences is emphasized. In these studies, the topics studied are considered through the prism of perception of the “other” in the context of secularization and postcolonial processes, economic and ideological confrontation in different periods of history, in an international political, economic and cultural context. A number of events were devoted to extremely important aspects of cultural history and intercultural interaction — values and behavioral patterns. During these projects and events, certain areas of research crystallized: attention to the social aspects of the history of religious processes, which were considered both in the process of political transformations and in the process of identity formation and the construction of historical memory, the study of the religious factor in the history of international politics and international relations. They confirmed the usefulness of continuing and developing cooperation between the Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches, representatives of secular science and creativity for the development of a dialogue of cultures and civilizations, for the creation of a peaceful and just society, for the affirmation of genuine spiritual and moral values in it.

Russia, Vatican, Institute of World History RAS, Orthodox Church, Catholic Church, scientific cooperation, collaborative projects
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