“Stadhouders”, “Ruwaards”, and “Mambours”… The Terms Related to the System of Administration in the Medieval Principalities of the Low Countries and the Difficulties of Their Translation
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“Stadhouders”, “Ruwaards”, and “Mambours”… The Terms Related to the System of Administration in the Medieval Principalities of the Low Countries and the Difficulties of Their Translation
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Anna Mayzlish 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

Thenecessity to transferthepowers of the prince to some other person was a common situation in the history of the principalities of the Low Countries in the 14th–15th centuries. Thearticledealswithsomecasesofapplicationofthreedifferentwords (“stadhouder”, “ruwaard”, “mambour”) thatwereusedtonamesuchreplacements of the ruler. “Stadhouder” seems to be the most relevant in meaning to Russian word “namestnik” (“governor”) as well as to French “lieutenant”. “Stadhouder” was usually applied to the officer who received the power to govern the principality from the prince during his absencein the 14th — 15th centuries. As the number of principalities which the dukes of Burgundy joined to their possessions grew continuously, they began to transfer the government in some of these lands to “stadhouders” (governors) for longer time. “Ruwaard” and “mambour” arecloserintheirmeaningstotheword “regent” or “protector”. They usually were appointed or elected when the prince was not able to rule himself or do some part of the duties as a ruler (forexample,becauseofhisillness, ageorsome restrictions for the clergymen). In some cases, the prince was changed to the “ruwaard” or “mambour” by the people because he had violated the privileges and customs of the land. Suchsituationsmostlyhappenedduringthelarge-scale revoltsin Flanders, Brabant and the Prince-bishopric of Liège. Theappointmentof “ruwaards” / “mambours” was also used during the struggle for power, for example, in time of a long conflict over the Holland, Zeeland and Hainaut between Jacoba of Bavaria and her relatives. But “mambour” seems to have a bit different meaning in Luxembourg where this word was used to name a govern or who did not have the full authority, thoughusually his powers was transferred to him with the content of the duke (or duchess). This research shows that in some cases there are differences in meaning of the terms “stadhouder”, “ruwaard” and “mambour”. That is why it is better to use the transcription of these words with the explanation of their meaning or to use the most relevant words in Russian like “namestnik” (governor) or regent together with the indication of original terms.

terms, translation, administrative system, governor, regent, Flanders, Brabant, Holland, Luxembourg, Prince-bishopric of Liège
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