From the History of Scientific Communications of the Russian Emigration: Egyptologist Gregory Lukyanov and the Kondakov Archaeological Institute in Prague
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From the History of Scientific Communications of the Russian Emigration: Egyptologist Gregory Lukyanov and the Kondakov Archaeological Institute in Prague
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Mikhail Kovalev 
Institute of World History RAS
Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article deals with the history of relations between Gregory Lukyanov, Russian Egyptologist and antiquarian, and his colleagues from the Kondakov Archaeological Institute in Prague in the 1930s. The article is based on materials from Czech archives (Archives of the Art History Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the collection of manuscripts of the Slavonic Library in Prague). The author of this work reveals the unknown page of the history of scientific communications in the midst of the Russian emigration, shows the existence of intellectual contacts between the «Russian Czechoslovakia» and «Russian Egypt». The article is devoted to the analysis of the internal contacts of Gregory Lukyanov, the motives of his professional activity abroad, the basic directions of his cooperation with colleagues from Prague and attempts to create there a collection of Coptic textiles and to publish its catalogue, which unfortunately failed. For the first time, the history of translation of «The Poem of Pentawer» by Lukyanov and attempts of publication of its Russian translation have been described. The author reveals the various contradictions between Gregory Lukyanov and his Prague colleagues that arose in the process of scientific communication.

Gregory Lukyanov, Egyptology, Russian emigration, Kondakov Archaeological Institute, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, historiography, scientific communications, history of archeology
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