Before the Storm: Russia and Britain in Iran in 1913
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Before the Storm: Russia and Britain in Iran in 1913
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Andrey Larin 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the Russian-British relations and the Russian policy in Qajar Iran in 1913. The last pre-war year in Persia was characterized by some normalization of the situation after the crisis of 1911—1912. St. Petersburg and London were able to establish cooperation with the new Iranian Cabinet, get the desired concessions, agree on a joint loan to Persia, and resolve any issues that arise as a matter of routine. Nevertheless, the objective contradictions of the interests of Russia and Britain in the country, different approaches to the interpretation of the 1907 Agreement, constantly produced tension and difficulties in bilateral relations. In this regard, the issue of revising the Convention has become relevant.

Russia, Great Britain, Iran, Sazonov, Grey, Buchanan, Poklewski Koziell, Trans-Persian Railway, concessions
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