Implementation of National Projects as a Social Function of the State of the Russian Federation
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Implementation of National Projects as a Social Function of the State of the Russian Federation
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Nataliya Sukhanova 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

National projects should be considered as important areas of implementation of the state's social policy. The first ones were adopted 15 years ago in 2005. The key points of the national projects formulated at that time defined them as a new mechanism for solving the problems of improving the quality of life of the population, they consisted of 4 national projects. The article considers the results of their implementation. In 2018, 12 key areas of social policy were identified and new national projects were developed. Each project is planned for 6 years, and each has measurable key performance indicators that make it possible to track their annual implementation, which is one of the differences between the new national projects and the previous ones. The article considers the interim results for 2018-2019 years of national projects implementation.

National projects, Federal projects, management methods, sources of funding, public administration
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