Concepts of Pain and Disease in Demonological Discourse of Early Modern Time
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Concepts of Pain and Disease in Demonological Discourse of Early Modern Time
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Olga Togoeva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article analyzes the concepts of pain and disease in the demonological discourse of the late Middle Ages and early Modern Time. Based on court cases, theoretical treatises and English witch pamphlets, the author concludes that these concepts have come a long way from the reflections of medieval theologians on the mark of the devil and the reality of the meetings of alleged witches and wizards with Satan to the incorporation of these ideas in a purely medical discourse of early Modern Time. The author notes the paradox of the existing different views of demonologists on pain as a consequence of contacts of the devil with his adherents and as a consequence of the use of torture in court, and also draws attention to how close was the mutual influence of the ideas of demonologists in different regions of Western Europe, how they influenced each other or diverged from each other in the interpretation of these plots.

Western Europe, Middle Ages, early Modern Time, demonology, pain, disease, devil’s mark, torture, physical suffering, judicial procedure
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