Contemporary African History (an Experience of Source Classification)
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Contemporary African History (an Experience of Source Classification)
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Anna Milto 
Affiliation: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Yaroslavl Branch)
Address: Russian Federation, Yaroslavl
Tatiana M. Gavristova
Affiliation: Demidov Yaroslavl State University
Address: Russian Federation, Yaroslavl
Nadezhda Khokholkova
Affiliation: Institute for African Studies RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is dedicated to the problems of source study of the current history of Africa and the African Diaspora. It is based on materials collected by the authors across the framework of the RFBR scientific project No. 16-31-00025 “Modern History of Tropical Africa (experience in classifying sources)” in 2016—2018. The authors focus on sources of personal origin: first of all, memoirs and autobiographies, as well as personal narratives that arose on the Internet (blogs, podcasts, special media platforms, etc.). Their emergence is associated with the era of the “Awakening” of Africa and acquisition of sovereignty. The “Fathers” of the genre were prominent political and statesmen, intellectuals, writers, including Kwame Nkrumah, Nelson Mandela, Wole Soyinka, Toyin Falola, etc. Over time, the circle of authors has expanded. But for more than half a century, the functional orientation of their works has been aimed at the formation and development of postcolonial discourse and the fight against stereotypes. In 21st century Afropolitans born after independence focused on the problems of identity, authenticity, gender equality, discovered new ways of self-fulfillment. The article outlines the circle of the most biased memoirs in the research field, which can be considered as invaluable historical sources that are unique in form and content. Particular emphasis is placed on the genre specificity of memoir literature and its typological diversity, which is the result of many processes, including globalization, liberalization, democratization, and digitalization of politics and culture.

History, Africa, Postcolonialism, Historical sources, Digitalization, Autobiography, Memoirs
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