Layout of Medieval Latin Manuscript Books
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Layout of Medieval Latin Manuscript Books
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Elena Kazbekova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
A hypothesis how medieval scribes and illuminators were laying out manuscript folio based on the study of the 13 latin manuscripts of the XIII—XV centuries in St Petersburg and Moscow and the fotos of the 36 west-european, greek and slavic manuscripts of the III—XVIII centuries, produced by the professional craftsmen. The scribes seems to have laid out the folios geometrically, without computations, using only a height and a width of the sheet and a height of the line (unité de réglure). It seems to be made in 3 ways: using the diagonals of the sheet (e.g. the “Tschichold’s layout”; Ill. 4, 11) or the height of the line (Ill. 9, 10, 12), or combining these two ways (Ill. 13, 14—17). A starting point (as a rule it was the width of the inner margin) seems to be found using the height and width of the sheet (s. Ill. 7, 8—9 (the Gloss), 11, 13, 17) or the height of the line (Ill. 8 (text), 10, 12, 14), or combining this ways (Ill. 9 (text), 15—16). The analyze of the “canon of Gutenberg” of R. Rosarivo by studying the 16 digitalized exemplars of Gutenberg Bible (B42) and the exemplar in Russian State Library (Ill. 30, 35) shows that Gutenberg didn’t use the division of the sheet into ninths. He must laid out the page using the width of the column, depending on the size of type and on the dimensions of his paper. The problems of accidental coincidences, permissible errors, subjective interpretations of the results can be solved only by studying of the individual characteristics of scribes or illuminators. These 3 ways of laying out can be used in the codicological description and in the modern calligraphy and book design for the finding the optimal line spacing and page makeup for any format.
codicology, paleography, handwriting, manuscript, scribes and illuminators, layout, mise en page, unité de réglure, margins, pricking, ruling, trimming, J. Tshichold, Gutenberg Bible, canons of page construction
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