Law of the Early Middle Ages in the Context of Its Epoch and Milieu: on the Issue of Textual Adoptions in the Oldest Redaction of Lex Salica
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Law of the Early Middle Ages in the Context of Its Epoch and Milieu: on the Issue of Textual Adoptions in the Oldest Redaction of Lex Salica
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Mikhail Zemlyakov 
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics. RGASPI
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
This article deals with the problem of influences exerted by ancient and medieval legal and narrative sources on the Frankish law during the reign of king Clovis (481–511). This issue hadn’t sufficient attention in contemporary scholarly works. Among the sources, which could be available for Frankish officials and lawyers composed the Laws of Salian Franks (Lex Salica), authors explains both the Germanic sources (such as Code of Euric and Burgundian laws), and late Roman codes been in use in Gaul territory in the 5th – 6th centuries (Breviary of Alaric and some legal compilations), and even Celtic sources (The Welsh canons) and non-legal texts (Exodus). Using the textual critisism, scholar proves that the biggest volume of textual adoptions in Lex Salica was a result of the long-time relations and collisions between the Franks and their southern neighbours – Burgundians and Visigoths. Influence of the late Roman legal culture on the Laws of Salian Franks was very close, namely it ends on the establishing of slave rank as “instrumentum vocale” (cattle with voice). This state was a feature of all late Roman codes and compilations based on it (such as Theodosian Code, Breviary of Alaric, Code of Justinian). The profoundest influence of the Burgundian, Visigothic and (in a less degree) late Roman laws on the Lex Salica was revealed in those titles, which are concerned to the social structure in Northern Gaul of the end of 5th – early 6th centuries. Firstly, it refers to the position of slaves in estate, degree of their legal capability and participation of business with free persons, compensation for their injuries and death. Then, some legal procedures of Burgundian laws (for example, the order of returning of the person sold into slavery from abroad, paying of pledge for a slave, which had been subjected to tortures on charges of third party) also had been put in the Laws of Salian Franks. Finally, the influence of the Old Testament (Exodus) and the so-called “Welsh canons” (Canones Wallici) can be find in the case of sale and division of slave accused in the murder of servant of another person between their owners.
The Laws of Salian Franks (Lex Salica), The Burgundian laws (Lex Burgundionum), Clovis (Chlodovechus), Code of Euric (Edictum Euricianus), The Welsh canons (Canones Wallici), Salian Franks
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