The Sarmatian Society on the Materials of the Burial Site Noviy (Lower Don)
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The Sarmatian Society on the Materials of the Burial Site Noviy (Lower Don)
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The article is dedicated to an attempt in social reconstruction of the Sarmatian society. The archaeological data of the burial site Noviy (Lower Don) are analyzed. The burial site Noviy is one of the largest groups of Sarmatian burial mounds. The author defines the typical male and female categories of funeral inventory. He raises the question of the existence of age classes in the Sarmatian society of the Don Region. Special attention is paid to burials with weapons, and possible social interpretations of them are suggested.
Sarmatians, Don Region, Sarmatian archaeological culture, gender and age characteristics, funeral rites, burial mound, burial Noviy, social reconstruction, age classes, weapons, I century A.D.
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Additional sources and materials

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