The Siege of Toulon 1793: Everyday Life in the City Under the Siege
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The Siege of Toulon 1793: Everyday Life in the City Under the Siege
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Victoria Verchenkova 
Affiliation: State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

In the summer of 1793, an uprising broke out in Toulon against the Convention, after which the Jacobin government was liquidated. At the invitation of the rebels, the troops of the anti-French coalition soon occupied the city, which the revolutionary troops, after a bloody siege, were able to recapture only on December 18, 1793. The spontaneous alliance of Toulon residents with foreigners led to a situation where significant efforts were required from representatives of different nations to establish close cooperation in maintaining the vital activity of the city and its joint defense. The author of the article pays special attention to the anthropological aspect of the history of the siege of Toulon in 1793, touching upon the problems of supplying the city and troops, financial issues, problems of placing armies in the city, religious issues, and everyday practices. The author demonstrates how the city authorities and the command of the coalition forces tried to maintain morale through proclamations, secular and religious events that were supposed to emphasize the beneficial effects of “liberation from tyrants”, that is, from radical revolutionaries. Using materials from Russian, French and English archives, as well as published diplomatic documents and memoirs, the author concludes that the defeat of the Allied armies in the Toulon campaign, in addition to failures at the front, was caused by a lack of human resources and provisions, the general distrust that prevailed in the city, and the confidence of the Allied courts in the success of the campaign.

The Siege of Toulon, the French Revolution, the War of the First Coalition, France, everyday life, military-historical anthropology
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The study is sponsored by the Russian Science Foundation, project № 23-18-00011 “Popular Anti-Revolution in Mediterranean 1792—1814”.
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