Towards Multipolarity: Historians’ Contribution to the Concept of a New World Order
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Towards Multipolarity: Historians’ Contribution to the Concept of a New World Order
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Evgeny Osipov 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

In April 2024, Moscow hosted the international scientific conference “Transition to Multipolarity and the Formation of a New World Order” organized by the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Historical Society. The event was attended by leading Russian experts, as well as foreign speakers from China, India, Iran, South Africa, Vietnam, Great Britain, France, Ireland, Canada, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Serbia and Bulgaria. The conference participants discussed a wide range of topical issues: from clarifying basic concepts and terms to analyzing the fundamental foundations of the new world order that is emerging today. Particular attention was paid to identifying the factors that led to the crisis of the unipolar world led by the United States, and the challenges that will be faced in building a more equitable world order. The emphasis was placed on studying the role of Russia and its BRICS partners, as well as the countries of the global South at the present historical stage. Within the framework of the conference, Russian and foreign experts discussed the concept document “The Multipolar World: Prospects for Development”. In the near future, international scientific events on this topic will continue.

new world order, mMultipolarity, international systems, Russia, China, BRICS
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