The Role of the Comte de Maurepas at the Beginning of the Reign of Louis XVI (how the Mentor Instructed Telemachus)
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The Role of the Comte de Maurepas at the Beginning of the Reign of Louis XVI (how the Mentor Instructed Telemachus)
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Ludmila Pimenova 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The paper is devoted to the activities of the Comte de Maurepas in 1774—1781. Historians have different assessments of his role in the history of France at the end of the Old Régime. Some consider him a frivolous egoist, indifferent to state affairs, others — a wise politician who received a responsible post too late, when nothing could be corrected. The paper uses diaries, letters and memoirs of contemporaries, archival and published diplomatic correspondence. The nickname Mentor was established for Maurepas, since his position as a mentor to the young Louis XVI was reminiscent of the plot of “The Adventures of Telemachus” by F. Fénelon. Maurepas acted as chief minister, influencing the appointment and dismissal of other ministers and the adoption of major decisions in the field of domestic and foreign policy, such as the repeal of the parliamentary reform of Maupeou and the entry into the War of Independence of the North American colonies. During Maurepas's lifetime, the situation in France remained calm, but a number of decisions made by the king under his influence had fatal consequences for the country.

Comte de Maurepas, Early Modern State, France in the War of Independence, Louis XVI, Maupeou’s Reform, Necker, the Old Régime, Turgot’s Reforms
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