Alexander K. Portsel (1953—2023) and his Magnum Opus about Spitsbergen
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Alexander K. Portsel (1953—2023) and his Magnum Opus about Spitsbergen
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Alexey Komarov 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The publication is dedicated to the research of the Russian historian and Spitsbergen scientist Alexander Konstantinovich Portsel (1953—2023). The results of his long-standing research work A. K. Porzel summed up in the monograph “Shpiczbergen: politika, e`konomika, obshhestvo (XX v. — nachalo XXI v.)” [“Spitsbergen: politics, economics, society (20th — early 21st centuries)”], published in 2022 by the Murmansk State Technical University publishing house. In this solid work, the author focuses on determining the international legal status of the Spitsbergen archipelago in historical retrospect, the delimitation of the adjacent maritime spaces during the 20th — early 21st centuries, economic activity on the archipelago and in its waters, as well as the social development of both the Russian settlements of “Arktikugol” and the Norwegian community on Spitsbergen.

Spitsbergen, Spitsbergen Treaty, Spitsbergen square, A. K. Portsel, Soviet-Norwegian relations, Russian-Norwegian relations, Trust Arktikugol
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