Ivan Ivanovich Tolstoy (1880—1954) as a Lecturer (According to the Memories of His Students)
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Ivan Ivanovich Tolstoy (1880—1954) as a Lecturer (According to the Memories of His Students)
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Marina Ponikarovskaya 
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The article observes the image of the specialist in classical studies I. I. Tolstoy as a lecturer. The author reconstructs the career path of the scholar, which started in 1908, when I. I. Tolstoy began to lecture at the faculty of history and philology of St. Petersburg University. The memories of a number of I. I. Tolstoy’s students are provided in the article, among those there are outstanding philologists I. M. Tronskiy, Ya. M. Borovskiy, O. M. Freidenberg and S. Ya. Lurie. The reminiscences of N. S. Grinbaum are of particular interest because I. I. Tolstoy was his research advisor, and N. S. Grinbaum used to visit the classes that took place at I. I. Tolstoy’s apartment.

I. I. Tolstoy, St. Petersburg University, classical studies, lecturer
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