The History of Botany (Gifts of Synesius, Bishop of Cyrene)
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The History of Botany (Gifts of Synesius, Bishop of Cyrene)
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Larisa Selivanova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article focuses on the identification of silphium — a forgotten precious plant and the symbol of ancient Cyrene — which became extinct in the first century C. E. due to the merciless plunder of local natural resources by Roman governors. However, some scholars believe that silphium survived into the fifth century, with reference to two letters (106 and 134) by Synesius, Bishop of Cyrene (370—413 C. E.). Based on their comparison with other written evidence, the author concludes that, consumed as he was with public duties and church service, Synesius could not fully immerse himself in botanical nuances of the local flora. He therefore identified some other Ferula species, acculturated by his correspondent, as silphium. As a local patriot, Synesius wholeheartedly upheld the legend of the surviving plant, seeing it as a symbol of victory over death, which gave hope to his fellow countrymen in hard times.

Cyrene, northern Africa, Synesius, silphium, botany, antiquity, interdisciplinarity
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