Swabia and the Swabian Nobility during the Ottonian Age: in the Center of Europe, on the Fringe of an Empire
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Swabia and the Swabian Nobility during the Ottonian Age: in the Center of Europe, on the Fringe of an Empire
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Anastasia Anufrieva 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article explores what was a place of the Swabian duchy and the swabian nobility in the state of the Saxon royal and imperial Ottonian dynasty. There are considered the notions about Swabia in three narrative sources of the Ottonian age (the historical work of Adalbert of Magdeburg, and two biographies of the Swabian church hierarchs — Ulrich, the bishop of Augsburg and Witigowo, the abbot of Reichenau). There are traced the specifics of the representation of this topic during the reigns of Otto I (936—973), Otto II (973—983) and Otto III (983—1002) and the gradual transformation of Swabia from a position on the periphery of the empire to deeper integration into the Ottonian state.

Such an “incomplete integration” of Swabia into the Ottonian state may be explained not so much by the rulers’ disinterest in this territory as by concrete historical circumstances (first of all, by the dynastical troubles). The integration of the Swabian clerical elite into the Ottonian court environment began primarily with monasteries, not with episcopal centers. This shows that it was the Carolingian tradition that in large part continued to influence the strategy of the German emperors in Swabia.

Swabia, Ottonian dynasty, nobility, empire, stem duchies, Adalbert of Magdeburg, Vita sancti Oudalrici, Gesta Witigowonis
Источник финансирования
The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 19-29-07549\19. “Human capital of the Middle Ages: typology, structures, strategies of its increment (Western Europe, Byzantium, Middle East)”.
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