Ceremonial at the Court of Frederick the Great in 1748: Reflections from the Russian Diplomat Hermann Carl von Keyserlingk
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Ceremonial at the Court of Frederick the Great in 1748: Reflections from the Russian Diplomat Hermann Carl von Keyserlingk
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Maria Petrova 
Affiliation: State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The document from the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire published in this article is an original diplomatic relation in German, compiled 2 (13) January 1748 by the minister plenipotentiary in Berlin count Hermann Karl von Keyserlingk and its translation into Russian, made in the College of Foreign Affairs as soon as it was received. The document was a response to the Empress Elisabeth’ circular rescript of 8 December 1747, addressed to her representatives in Europe, which required them to send detailed information from the city of their residence about the peculiarities of the diplomatic ceremonial and informal communication between the crowned heads and diplomats of the first and second ranks. Keyserlingk went beyond the instructions he had received. He did not only provide the Empress with vital information about the Berlin court, but also demonstrated, how since the late seventeenth century the electors of Brandenburg (from 1701 onwards also Prussian kings) had sought to systematise the norms and practices of court and diplomatic ceremonial and what changes had taken place with the ascension to the throne of each new monarch. A comparison of the German original of the relation and its Russian translation sheds light on some aspects of professional terminology in the field of international relations in the mid-eighteenth century.

Friedrich II, Elisabeth Petrovna, court and diplomatic ceremonial, diplomatic practice, College of Foreign Affairs
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The article is prepared at the State Academic University for the Humanities within the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation (theme № FZNF-2020-0001 “Historical and cultural traditions and values in the context of global history”).
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