Development of Human Rights in the National-Cultural Sphere
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Development of Human Rights in the National-Cultural Sphere
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Liya Vasilieva 
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The development of human rights in the national-cultural sphere, especially in states with multi-ethnic populations, should be aimed at the statehood strengthening, inter-ethnic interaction on a good-neighburly basis, and the maintenance of inter-ethnic peace. In the national-cultural sphere human rights are closely intertwined with the spheres of their realization and the commonality of several key components: the right to determine one's ethnic affiliation, the right to use one's native language, the “right to culture”. The following issues are considered in the article: human rights in the national cultural sphere as a synthesis of individual and collective rights, development of human rights in the national cultural sphere, dynamics of regulation of human rights in the national cultural sphere in the neighboring states. It is emphasized that the dynamics of the development of human rights in the national and cultural sphere is conditioned not by the emergence of new human rights, but by the addition of guarantees of the already implemented rights and freedoms, by the increase of the level and quality of their protection by the state and society. First and foremost, we are talking about the development of guarantees for the implementation of the right to use one's native language. It is considered to be one of the basic human rights in the contemporary world, which is created on the principles of the prohibition of discrimination based on national and linguistic criteria, multiculturalism, and respect for peoples' cultures and languages.

Human rights, native language, national and cultural sphere, Russian-speaking compatriots, national minorities, indigenous people
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