On the Question of the Trends in the Development of Islam in South Africa
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On the Question of the Trends in the Development of Islam in South Africa
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Valentina Gribanova 
Affiliation: Institute for African Studies RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article discusses the ways of penetration of Islam into South Africa and the forces that played a significant role in its spread in this territory. The development of reformist tendencies in South African Islam during the second half of the 20th century is analyzed. It is noted that although in South Africa there were supporters of progressive trends in the reform of Islam, their number was minimal. There were significantly more adherents of the conservative trend in Islam. The special role of the Deobandi school and the Tablighi Jamaat movement among the supporters of the conservative direction is noted. A review of Muslim organizations that were actively created during the 20th century is given. These organizations were aimed at strengthening Islam in South African society and increasing the number of believers. The strengthening of the role of tarikats — Muslim spiritual orders, in the religious life of South African Muslims from the end of the 20th century is noted. The role of Islamic education, which has been increasing its importance in South Africa in recent decades, is emphasized.

South Africa, Islam, Islamic organizations, tarikats, Islamic education
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