Centre for African Studies of the Institute of World History RAS: the Place in African Studies — Soviet, Russian, and Abroad
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Centre for African Studies of the Institute of World History RAS: the Place in African Studies — Soviet, Russian, and Abroad
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Irina Filatova 
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article looks at the most important tendencies and trends in foreign (mostly English language), Soviet and Russian African Studies, from the 1960s (and even earlier, as far as Soviet African studies are concerned) util today. It offers a comparative analysis of their trajectories and assesses them from the point of view of their contribution to our understanding of Africa and to African studies. Against this backdrop the author assesses the work of the Centre for African Studies of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, its achievements, and its contribution to the historiography of African history.

African studies, historiography of Africa, Soviet African studies, African studies abroad, Western African studies, post-Soviet African studies, history of Africa
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