The Dynamics and Perspectives of Relations Between Germany and Egypt During 2010s: Political and Military Aspects
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The Dynamics and Perspectives of Relations Between Germany and Egypt During 2010s: Political and Military Aspects
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Velikhan Mirzekhanov 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Philipp Trunov
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article shows the growing dependence of Germany`s, its EU and NATO partners` security on the situation in the Middle East and North Africa. This factor leads to the interest in finding new regional partners, which can make a significant contribution to ensuring stability and tranquility in the Middle East and North Africa by the cooperation by Germany. In this regard the scientific paper issues the dynamics and results of German-Egyptian cooperation in political-military sphere during the 2010s. The article describes the features of the dialogue during the “Arab spring” and short presidency of M. Mursi. The authors show the content between Germany and Egypt since the beginning of the presidency of as-Sisi by the exploration of the negotiation process at the highest level, taking into account the evolution of mutual perception of the countries` leaders. The authors explore the coordination between the two states in the sphere of armed conflicts resolution in Libya, Mali, Syria and Sudan. The scientific paper pays special attention to the launch by Germany and Egypt of the new negotiation format between the European Union and League of Arab States and also the perspectives of this negotiation format. The article also investigates the features of military-technical cooperation in the connection with the strengthening of political links.

Germany, Egypt, “Arab spring”, the negotiations` process, as-Sisi, North Africa, armed conflicts
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