Problems of European Solidarity: Baltic States in the Context of the Migration Crisis
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Problems of European Solidarity: Baltic States in the Context of the Migration Crisis
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Lidia Antonova 
Affiliation: Pskov State University
Address: Russian Federation, Pskov
Tatiana Khrishkevich
Affiliation: Pskov State University
Address: Russian Federation, Pskov

At the beginning of the 21st century, the solidarity of the member states of the European Union is under unprecedented pressure. The migration crisis of 2014—2016 was one of the main reasons of that. The Baltic region took a special place during the crisis. This region is a combination of states with two models of approaches to the implementation of the refugee admission policy — from full implementation to complete rejection of admission. This article analyzes the content of the activities of the EU border states governments in the Baltic region, through which the migration flow has passed, and its correlation with the official position of Brussels. Special attention is paid to the public opinion and social cohesion in relation to incoming refugee flows.

European solidarity, European Union, Baltic region, refugees, migration, migration crisis
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