Twin-City Relations between Czechoslovak and Lower Volga Cities in the Second Half of the 20th Century and Their Reflection in Urban Toponymy
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Twin-City Relations between Czechoslovak and Lower Volga Cities in the Second Half of the 20th Century and Their Reflection in Urban Toponymy
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Aleksandr Sheshnev 
Chernyshevsky Saratov State University
Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Saratov; Moscow

In post-war Soviet history, an important place was occupied by scientific, technical, socio-cultural and educational practices of interaction between the cities of the Soviet Union and of the Eastern bloc. The special nature of relations was often reinforced by the status of twin cities. This practice has contributed to the strengthening of interaction between officials, residents and various associations at the local and regional levels. The Lower Volga cities such as the Saratov, Balakovo (Saratov region) and Kamyshin (Volgograd region), have developed special stable ties with Czechoslovak cities. During the implementation of such a major energy project of the countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance as the construction of the «Soyuz» gas pipeline, the works in the Lower Volga region was carried out by specialists from Czechoslovakia. A number of industrial and social objects in Kamyshin were built directly with the participation of Czechoslovak scientific and technical specialists. In the urban space, the special nature of relations is reflected in the architectural and cultural heritage; it can be traced in urban toponymy to the present day. After the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia and the collapse of the socialist bloc, ties were severed. Only between the Slovak Trnava and the Russian Balakovo is symbolic on May 9, 2013 signed an agreement on the resumption of cooperation, providing for interaction in the fields of culture, education, sports, tourism, trade and other socio-economic issues.

USSR, Czechoslovakia, scientific and technical ties, Saratov, Balakovo, Kamyshin, Bratislava, Trnava, Opava, twin cities
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