Development of the Caucasian Borderland by Russian Empire (Late 18th — Early 60s of the 19th Centuries)
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Development of the Caucasian Borderland by Russian Empire (Late 18th — Early 60s of the 19th Centuries)
Publication type
Roman German 
Affiliation: Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute
Address: Russian Federation, Stavropol

In this article the subject of research is the process of turning the Caucasian borderland in part of the territory of the Empire during the last quarter of 18th — the early 60s of 19th centuries, the settlement and economic development of Caucasus and Ciscaucasia, the creation of material resources for operating in the region by Russian troops. The methodology of this study is based on historical-genetic and comparative-historical methods, which allowed us to consider the historical dynamics of the process of creating social and economic foundations for the spread of Russian power in the Caucasus border region. As conclusions and results, we can conclude that the objects created during the development of the territory of the Caucasian border area include villages, villages and cities, hospitals, anti — epidemic cordons, equipped Caucasian mineral waters, active agriculture-arable farming and cattle breeding, as well as roads and post offices. All these efforts of the Russian authorities made it possible to turn the Caucasian borderland into a part of the empire. The field of application of the obtained results can be educational and scientific works on the history of the Caucasus region and the history of the marginal policy of the Russian Empire. 

colonization, state and landowner peasants, Cossacks, mountaineers, agriculture, epidemic control, Caucasian mineral waters, hospitals, roads, post offices
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