Pilgrimage and Operations of the Russian Shipping and Trade Society in the Eastern Mediterranean (Early 1880s)
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Pilgrimage and Operations of the Russian Shipping and Trade Society in the Eastern Mediterranean (Early 1880s)
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Mikhail Baryshnikov 
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg; Moscow

Using archival materials, the article analyzes the key role played by the Russian Society of Shipping and Trade (ROPiT) in the transportation of pilgrims in 1880—1882. to the Middle East, to the holy places. The study focuses on the firm's shipping activities and, in particular, on the various diversification strategies it followed. Three drivers of this diversification — government support, good governance and significant investment — contributed to the development of shipping in the Eastern Mediterranean in the early 1880s. The data contained in the article indicates that the company and the Russian government used identical strategies during the period under review in their attempts to meet the needs of pilgrims in the Middle East. This allowed ROPiT to successfully overcome the contradictions between public expectations and the need to maintain the entrepreneurial orientation of transport activities. The results of the study show a close connection between geopolitical, sociocultural and economic interests and contribute to further discussion of the relationship between business, government and religious movements during large-scale historical changes in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

Russia, Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East, pilgrimage, joint stock company, shipping, business, management, investment.
Источник финансирования
The research was carried out with the financial support of the RFBR within the framework of the scientific project № 20-09-41001 “Russian Society of Shipping and Trade in the history of Orthodox pilgrimage to the Holy Land (1857—1914)”.
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