Representation of Authority Over Ireland in the John Lynch’s “Cambrensis Eversus” (1662)
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Representation of Authority Over Ireland in the John Lynch’s “Cambrensis Eversus” (1662)
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Evgenii Tishunin 
Affiliation: National Library of Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The paper analyzes the forms of representation of authority over Ireland in John Lynch’s “Cambrensis Eversus” (1662). In polemic with Gerald of Wales and the English/British tradition of representation of Ireland, Lynch constructed his own view on history of Ireland and authority over this land. The first level of representation is the authority of ancient Irish kings. In this sense Lynch emphasized the contract between Irish kings and people. Moreover, Lynch modernized the image of power of ancient Irish kings, using the terms and concepts of early modern intellectual discourse. The second level is the papal authority and in this case Lynch denied any claims of Rome. The third level are the issues of legitimacy and values of authority of Anglo-Norman and Old English. In Lynch’s view, English kings before Stuarts haven’t had enough loyalty from Irish people. And the last level is Stuart’s authority over Ireland. On this level Lynch synthesized the discourse practices of other levels to construct the legitimacy of restored dynasty and to prove loyalty of whole Irish people without ethnic and confessional divisions.

John Lynch, Cambrensis Eversus, early Modern Ireland, Irish history writing, intellectual history
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