Phenomenon of “Publicity” in the State as in the Higher Form of Political Organization in Medieval Europe
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Phenomenon of “Publicity” in the State as in the Higher Form of Political Organization in Medieval Europe
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Nina Khachaturyan 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is concern with functional analysis of medieval “publicity” as a phenomenon. “Publicity” is presented as an integral part of the medieval statehood in Western Europe and its functional processes. This stage and form of the state building in contemporary historiography is closely associated with the concept of Etat Moderne. The phenomenon of “publicity” is examined in its two fundamental aspects. The first aspect is defined by medieval potestary polycentrism. The second aspect is underlined by practices and ideas of medieval parliamentarism. Actually in historical knowledge “publicity” is percepted as a key frame for existing communities with its legal and customary norms. The article defines «publicity» as a substantial principle of “person-society” dilemma. The author looks at phenomenon of publicity not only as a crucial factor which defines main developments of the medieval statehood but also as a particular stimulus which shapes main vectors of institutional dynamics. The scope and subsequent capacity of such a dynamics tends to increase while institutionalized power is growthing. The transformation of the medieval power institutions spreads under direct influence of complexifying dialogue of the supreme power with different social groups.

Publicity, Etat Moderne, State, Medieval parliamentarism, Society, Middle Ages
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