Managing of Social Transformations in the Context of Globalization and Digitalization: a Conceptual Framework
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Managing of Social Transformations in the Context of Globalization and Digitalization: a Conceptual Framework
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Ivan Aleshkovski 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Aleksandr Gasparishvili
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Natalia Smakotina
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

This article is based on the data from an expert survey conducted as part of Lomonosov Moscow State University interdisciplinary research project “Management of social transformations in the context of global processes and problems”. The aim of the study was to identify the international expert community’s ideas of how it was possible to manage social transformations in the context of globalization. The experts of the survey were scholars from various countries, i. e., political scientists, sociologists, and economists, whose scientific interests encompass global governance studies. The experts assessed the effectiveness of today’s global governance institutions and the prospects for improving the mechanisms of global governance; they also expressed their views on the key global challenges facing humanity, and on possible scenarios for the development of globalization for the nearest decade. Proceeding from the expert survey, the authors made the following conclusions: most experts believe that the existing institutions of global governance are in a state of crisis and are unable to perform their functions in conditions of global macroeconomic and political instability; effective global management of social transformations is possible if the institutions of global civil society reflecting the interests and values of not only developed countries, but also the traditions and significant values of developing countries emerge and start working.

social transformations, social changes, global governance, globalization, global challenges, multipolar world
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