Moscow — the Third Rome? Between the Founding Myth and the Destructive Mirage
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Moscow — the Third Rome? Between the Founding Myth and the Destructive Mirage
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Francine-Dominique Liechtenhan 
Affiliation: Roland Mousnier Center
Address: France, Paris

Thanks a new Italian and German historiography, the concept of the “Third Rome” is approached more critically than that applied by the historians of the 19th century. This idea is part of an eschatological historiosophy, born in Muscovy following the refusal of the union signed during the Council of Florence. The Russian princes and Church found themselves at the head of the Orthodox Ecumene and thus avoided positioning as successors to the Byzantine Empire. The theory of the Third Rome, developed by Philotheus, never became an official ideology; it was understood as translatio religionis and not as translatio imperii, with Holy Russia positioning itself as the home of the true faith.

Moscow, Rome, Constantinople, Philotheus, Ortodoxy
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