Visible Past: Urban Space in Flemish Book of Hours of Isabella the Catholic
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Visible Past: Urban Space in Flemish Book of Hours of Isabella the Catholic
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Maria Smagar 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

In this article, images of urban space in the Flemish illuminated books of hours of the 15th century are discussed. The main source is the miniatures of lavishly illuminated Flemish Book of Hours of Isabella the Catholic (The Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, the United States). With two special tables author highlights, typologizes, and analyzes the major markers of medieval and renaissance urban space (such as stone bridges, city walls, cathedrals, multi-story houses, etc.) as well as the social structure of miniatures, representing urbanscapes in Flemish Book of Hours of Isabella the Catholic.

Book of Hours of Isabella the Catholic, urban space, image of the sacred city, Flemish book of hours, medieval city, representation of Renaissance city
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