Aachen — the Second Rome: a City as a Symbol of Power in Poetic Carolingian Texts
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Aachen — the Second Rome: a City as a Symbol of Power in Poetic Carolingian Texts
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Maya Petrova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The paper deals the construction of Aachen as a symbol of the power of Charlemagne (742/4 — 814). It discusses the poetic Carolingian texts, which played an important role in the formation of the medieval ideology of the unity of the City and the power of its creator. It is shown that the most striking example of the statement of such a worldview is the third book (v. 1—536) of the anonymous epic poem (not fully preserved), known in the early Middle Ages under the title “Charlemagne and Pope Leo” (Karolus Magnus et Leo Papa). It is noted that this text, containing a description of the construction of the Second Rome — Aachen, influenced the subsequent Carolingian poetic tradition, serving as a turning point in the development of narrative poetry during the reign of Charlemagne.

Aachen, Charlemagne, city, ideology, symbol of power
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