Model Dwellings for Working People: How British Co-operators Built Houses in the 1860s
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Model Dwellings for Working People: How British Co-operators Built Houses in the 1860s
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Irina Novichenko 
Institute of World History RAS
Russian State Historical Public Library
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article attempts to analyze the first steps of “co-operative social housing” in Great Britain, the peculiarities of the emergence of the idea and the mechanisms of its implementation during ten years, from 1860 to 1870. On the basis of publications in the newspaper “The Co-operator” (1860—1870), the question of organizing the activities of co-operative building societies and the process of forming ideas about a “healthy house for working people” under the influence of the educational activities of Edward Thomas Craig and Florence Nightingale. Co-operators approached the issue of housing construction in a utilitarian manner, adhered to the latest methods of organizing a healthy house, created their own culture of living in cities, and ennobled the urban space around them.

history of co-operation, co-operative social housing, model dwellings for working people, healthy houses, co-operative building societies
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