Toropets in the Territorial and Administrative System of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Moscow State at the End of the 15th — 16th Century
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Toropets in the Territorial and Administrative System of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Moscow State at the End of the 15th — 16th Century
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Iuliia Stepanova 
Affiliation: Tver State University
Address: Russian Federation, Tver
Mariya Karpova
Affiliation: Tver State University
Address: Russian Federation, Tver

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the territorial, administrative and settlement structure of Toropets and Toropets uezd at the end of the 15th — 16th centuries. During the period when Toropets was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, it was influenced by its peripheral position and its status as a state settlement, direct tax collection and at the same time maintaining relative independence. Communal traditions inherited from the Old Russian period were also preserved. The involvement of both urban and rural population in crafts activities was recorded, which influenced the formation of special territories (perevaras) in the Toropets uezd. The territories of volosts and a perevaras according to the scribe book of 1540 were localized. The territories of perevaras were within the borders of volosts. The inhabitants of the volosts and the townspeople of Toropets owned the side honey trees. In the city, the yards of shabry are recorded — the collective landowners, and in the county, on the territory of the crossing — the “nest” of settlements under a generalizing name, which served as a means of identifying the object of taxation. After Toropets joined the Moscow state, these features remain. However, the community land ownership and honey craft gradually decline throughout the 16th century.

city, Middle Ages, uezd, volost, perevara, settlement, land ownership, taxation, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Moscow state
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