The Two “Identical” Freiburg Charters of 1275: a Lengthy Draft
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The Two “Identical” Freiburg Charters of 1275: a Lengthy Draft
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Pavel Blokhin 
Affiliation: Astrakhan State University
Address: Russian Federation, Astrakhan

The present article is a study of the lengthy draft of the 1275 Freiburg legislation. The document did not become an official charter, but remained only a draft. The lengthy draft modified and supplemented some of the provisions of an earlier charter, the short draft of 1275, and an even earlier city law book, the 1218 Stadtrodel. There are new laws related to civil law in the lengthy draft. At the will of the lord of the city, additions were made to the text of the charter, regulating the levying of land taxes (der Zins) on townsfolk and restricting the ability of fugitive dependents from lords’ estates to reside in Freiburg. The main changes relate to the activities of city councils. In contrast to the short draft, the lengthy draft sets out the powers of the so-called Junior Council. Despite the fact that the lengthy draft did not become official laws, it became the basis for writing the current city charter of 1293.

Freiburg im Breisgau, medieval urban law, a short and a lengthy draft of 1275, 1218 Stadtrodel, Senior and Junior City Councils, Counts of Freiburg
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