“Other Turkestan” by Senator Konstantin Palen and engineer Nikolay Shchapov
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“Other Turkestan” by Senator Konstantin Palen and engineer Nikolay Shchapov
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Tatiana Kotyukova 
Institute of World History RAS
Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

This article is devoted to two practically unknown photo collections that visualize Turkestan at the beginning of the twentieth century. The first, stored in the Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA) and consisting of 4 photo albums, was collected during the Senate audit of the Turkestan Territory under the leadership of Count K. K. Palen in 1908—1909. The second collection of photographs, shot in 1911—1913 in Turkestan, is part of a large and diverse personal photo collection of hydrologist engineer N. M. Shchapov, stored in the Central State Archive of Moscow, the Center for the Storage of Electronic and Audiovisual Documents (TsGAM TsKHEAVD). Photocollections of the Senate audit (under the leadership of K. K. Palen) and hydro engineer N. M. Schapov, in our opinion, can be considered a visualization of modernization in Turkestan and a manifestation at the general imperial level of the appearance of another, industrial, Turkestan.

Turkestan, Central Asia, orientalist stereotype of perception, image “other Turkestan”, Russian Empire, K. K. Palen, N. M. Schapov, photo collections, visualization
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