“All Things Considered, the General Standing of the Kingdom is Most Favorable…”: Neutrality of the Netherlands against the Background of German Empire Genesis
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“All Things Considered, the General Standing of the Kingdom is Most Favorable…”: Neutrality of the Netherlands against the Background of German Empire Genesis
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Galina Shatokhina-Mordvintseva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The Kingdom of the Netherlands, being a small European kingdom with vast colonial possessions, was watching the process of unification of Germany with certain anxiety. With the beginning of the Franco-Prussian (Franco-German) War of 1870—1871 the Netherlands, mostly dominated by pro-German moods, declared its neutrality. And although a mobilization campaign had been carried out in the country, neither its government nor its people had any major concerns that the Netherlands as well as the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, that was tied to the House of Orange-Nassau through a personal union, could be drawn into the military conflict. Sustainable increase of income obtained from colonies, directing financial flows mostly to the benefit of external loans, proactive foreign trade — together these factors reduced the possibility of great powers infringing the neutrality of the Netherlands almost to zero. However, having successfully maintained its neutral status, the Netherlands still failed to avoid inner political crises that vividly demonstrated the incapability of the liberal cabinets steering the country at that time.

the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Belgium, Franco-Prussian (French-German) War of 1870—1871, King Wilhelm III, K. V. Knorring, neutrality, the German Empire
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