The return visit of the President of the French Republic Emile Loubet and the Formation of the Image of a “Great Friend” of Russia
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The return visit of the President of the French Republic Emile Loubet and the Formation of the Image of a “Great Friend” of Russia
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Svetlana Limanova 
Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article analyzes the visit of Emile Loubet, President of the French Republic, to the Russian Empire in 1902, as well as the specifics of its organization and representation. The visit was conceived as a demonstration of the inviolability of the Franco-Russian alliance. A whole complex of informational, ceremonial and commemorative methods was supposed to form the image of France not just as a “friend”, but as a “great friend” of Russia. Periodicals solved various tasks at once: attracting and maintaining attention, forming a certain image, creating and reflecting public opinion. The effect of the ceremonial part was enhanced by the active involvement of the urban population in the celebrations, symbolic decoration of the ceremonial space, and the production of souvenirs. As a result, it was possible to consolidate the “friendly” image of the French nation in Russia, enhance the positive effect of the meeting of the allies, and create favorable conditions for further cooperation. At this stage, the Franco-Russian alliance allowed maintaining the balance of power in Europe and paying attention to geopolitical interests in other regions. However, even greater rapprochement between the two powers entailed increased obligations and the necessity to coordinate further actions more carefully, while narrowing the opportunities for interaction with other states. In spite of the brilliant celebrations, the allies' desire to recover the maximum benefit from the «cordial» relationship has become increasingly evident.

Franco-Russian Alliance, 1902, Russian Empire, French Republic, Nicholas II, Emile Loubet, foreign policy, representation
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