Prisoners of War and Local Population in Karelia during the World War I
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Prisoners of War and Local Population in Karelia during the World War I
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Alexander Krivonozhenko 
Affiliation: Institute of Linguistics, Literature and History of Karelian Research Centre RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Petrozavodsk

The main reason for the appearance of prisoners of war in Karelia during the World War I is associated with the implementation of large construction projects. The total number of prisoners of war was established based on archival sources. It was prepared special statistical samples. On the basis of them it was established the ethnic picture of the contingent of prisoners, as well as their nationality. It was found that the prisoners of war temporarily affected the current demographic situation in the region because in a separate territory of Karelia their number exceeded the number of the local male population. The problem of interaction with the local population is considered from several positions. The prisoners lived in peasant houses and had the opportunity to buy food from peasant shops. There were cases of prisoners marrying local women. The prisoners living in Petrozavodsk became part of the city's everyday life by the end of the war. Their civilian qualifications were in high demand among local residents.

Karelia, prisoners of war, World War I, Olonets province, peasants
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