“Not a Structure, but an Event”: the Nazi “War of Annihilation” in the Discourse of Settler Colonialism
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“Not a Structure, but an Event”: the Nazi “War of Annihilation” in the Discourse of Settler Colonialism
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Egor Yakovlev 
Affiliation: Scientific and Educational Project “Digital History”
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

From the late 1970s Western anthropologists began distinguished “settler colonialism” as a separate socio-historical phenomenon, which presupposed the mass settlement of the metropolis titular ethnos to new territories. This strategy is contrasted with the military-economic control of the colony, in which the local population is more or less subordinate, but not replaced. Settlement colonialism and its accompanying tragedies are usually considered in modern historiography on the examples of North America, Africa, Australia and some regions of Asia. Meanwhile, the Europe of the 20th century also knew a grandiose colonial and settlement project, which was partly inspired by all the previous ones, but unlike them remained unfulfilled. We are talking about the conquest of the “living space” that Hitler's Third Reich planned to gain in the East as a result of the defeat of the Soviet Union.

settler colonialism, living space, Lebensraum, Friedrich Ratzel, Karl Haushofer
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