Protestant Organization “Russische Bruderhilfe” and Its Role in the Creative Biography of Semyon Frank in 1930s
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Protestant Organization “Russische Bruderhilfe” and Its Role in the Creative Biography of Semyon Frank in 1930s
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Alexander Tsygankov 
Institute of Philosophy RAS
Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Teresa Obolevich
Pontifical University of John Paul II
Higher School of Economics
Address: Poland, Krakоw; Russian Federation, Moscow

The article presents a historical and philosophical reconstruction of cooperation between the Russian philosopher Semyon Ludvigovich Frank and the German Protestant organization “Russische Bruderhilfe” (“Russian Brotherhood Help”) as well as its printed organ — the journal “Liebet einander!” (“Love each other!”). Based on the correspondence of Frank with his wife, T. S. Frank, which is stored at the A. Solzhenitsyn House of Russian Abroad, as well as on the letters of Pastor Albert Hettling stored in the Bakhmeteff Archive of Columbia University, we reconstruct the history of Frank’s cooperation with the German organization and the place which it occupied in the life and work of the Russian philosopher in the early 1930s. The appendix contains the Russian translation of Frank’s German article “The Disciple of Jesus in Old Russia” written for the printed organ of “Russian Brotherhood Aid” in 1934 and dedicated to Yuliana Lazarevskaya. 

Russian philosophical emigration, Protestantism, “Russian Brotherhood Help”, Semen Frank, Albert Hettling, Nikolai Orlov
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This article is an output of a research project implemented as part of the Basic Research Program at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University).
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