Multiethnic Morea: the Position of the Non-Greek Population in the Late Byzantine Society of the Peloponnese
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Multiethnic Morea: the Position of the Non-Greek Population in the Late Byzantine Society of the Peloponnese
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Tatiana Belorussova 
Affiliation: Ural Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg

Among the consequences of the Fourth Crusade there was a serious change in the ethno-confessional landscape in the former Byzantine territories. Even though Byzantine society was never ethnically homogeneous, the ethno-religious situation became more complicated in the late Byzantine period. This article is devoted to the problem of the position of the non-Greek population in the late Byzantine society of Morea — one of the striking examples of a region with a multi-ethnic population. The author dwells on the analysis of the socio-cultural situation of the Slavic, Latin and Albanian diasporas who lived in the Byzantine territories of the Peloponnese. Based on the information from Byzantine historical writings, chronicles and epistolary sources, there was an attempt to determine the place of ethno-religious minorities in this provincial region of the empire in the era of Palaiologos and the degree of their integration into the Byzantine society.

Late Byzantium, Peloponnese, Despotate of the Morea, ethno-religious minorities, integration, cross-cultural interaction
Источник финансирования
Research for this article was funded with the support of project № 20-78-00138 "Ethno-religious minorities in Late Byzantium: the problem of integration and isolation" from the Russian Science Foundation.
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