English Language Historiography of Women City Daily in the Middle of the 20th Century in the USA
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English Language Historiography of Women City Daily in the Middle of the 20th Century in the USA
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Alexander Zhidchenko 
Affiliation: University of Kansas
Address: USA, Lawrence

The article proposes an analysis of the development of scientific thought on the study of the everyday life of the urban space of the United States in the 1950—1960s, to answer the question of whether the concept of infringement of the rights of women, who became in the new American suburbs in the core of their housewives, truly an objective reflection of social reality. The study was carried out on the basis of a wide range of sources using modern methods of historical science and analysis of various approaches used by the authors to analyze such a complex and constructive object as women's urban everyday life during the Cold War (in this case, methods of oral history, the history of everyday life, theory urban culture and urban studies, as well as the general socio-economic context of the development of the United States of America in a certain historical period — the middle of the twentieth century). In general, as a result, it was possible to identify three conditional historiographic stages associated with the influence of a certain general historical context - mass urbanization, the development of family values, as well as the stage of actualization of individual biographies and memories.

US history, historiography, everyday life, city, gender approach, feminism
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