The Works of Russian Physicians in China in the Context of Russian-Chinese Relations in the 19th — early 20th Centuries
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The Works of Russian Physicians in China in the Context of Russian-Chinese Relations in the 19th — early 20th Centuries
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Olga Nagornykh 
Affiliation: Privolzhsky Research Medical University
Address: Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod

The paper reconstructs the Russian-Chinese relations of the 19th — early 20th centuries in the field of medicine, based on the works of Russian physicians who were in China. The works of Russian physicians are analyzed and systematized on the main problems and specific issues, to identify the priority areas of their practical and scientific activities in China. Among them, the study of the types and scale of epidemics; the development of proposals to improve sanitary conditions in cities and the organization of medical care to the population; analysis of demographic indicators and the situation of medicine in China, both in general and in particular aspects (e. g., the status of a physicians, the level of his education and qualifications). In conclusion, the educational mission of Russian physicians in the context of building Russian-Chinese relations in the 19th — early 20th centuries is noted.

historiography, the Russian Orthodox Mission in Beijing, Russian physicians, medicine, text, A. A. Tatarinov, P. J. Piasetscky, V. V. Korsakov, P. A. Kornievsky
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