Historian’s Apprenticeship: Students’ Educational Practices of the Departments of History at Chelyabinsk (1956—1986)
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Historian’s Apprenticeship: Students’ Educational Practices of the Departments of History at Chelyabinsk (1956—1986)
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Anastasia Kurasova 
Affiliation: South-Ural State college
Address: Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

The article examines the process of teaching professional practical skills to students of historical faculties. On the example of a local universities student’s community of the soviet city of Chelyabinsk, the features of the (re)adopted style of communication between teachers and students, determined by the specifics of the educational institution, are revealed. It is concluded that the students were an integral part of the scientific community of historians, its reflection, “community in miniature”. It was during the “student” period that the primary acquisition of professional experience took place, determined their “scientific interests”, and started to form their “scientific reputation”.

Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical Institute (CSPI), Chelyabinsk State University (CSU), archival internship, museum and excursion internship, teaching internship, graduate thesis, archives
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