Russian Charity Traditions and Social Aspects of Zemstvo Medicine
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Russian Charity Traditions and Social Aspects of Zemstvo Medicine
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Irina Petrova 
Affiliation: Volgograd State Medical University
Address: Russian Federation, Volgograd
Elena Komissarova
Affiliation: Volgograd State Medical University
Address: Russian Federation, Volgograd

The article presents an overview of the ways of the development of “charity activities” through the prism of modern approach. There are distinguished several stages of its development: knyazhiy(princely), church (clerical), state-run and zemski (territorial). The authors presume that these stages, identified while analyzing literary references,were sources of the formation of the social policy of the state and, though declared, can hardly be defined as actual “charity” (philanthropy). Along with that it is assumed in the article that these were the reforms of the queen Catherine the Great that formed the foundation for the spread of charity as public and private initiative aimed at solving sociocultural problems. Private charitybecomes an increasing trend only in the second half of the 19th century. The authors regard major directions of charitable assistance provided to zemstvo medicine institutions.

charity, medicine, zemstvo, church charity, public charity bodies
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